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Gift Certificates Available

$75 and Up per hour

Chill Massage Therapy & Modern Apothecary offers convenient Insant Gift Certificates, right through our Web Site.
You can customize it to your liking, send an Amount or a Service, and include a tip or not. It's so easy, you can either print it at home, or e-mail your gift to the recipient. No hoping to get it in the mail on time, or driving across town to pick it up. Shop anytime day or night. Massage Gift Certificates from Chill make the perfect gift for anyone you care about.
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The Total Chill

$85 per hour

At Chill Massage Therapy in West Seattle we customize every session to meet your needs. With the Total Chill we combine A number of different modalities (deep tissue, hot stone, trigger point work, aromatherapy) to provide a penetrating massage that focuses on your trouble areas, incorporating several massage techniques to give you the ultimate in stress and pain relief. Book Online now! Online Appointment Book

Hot Stone Therapy

$90 per hour

Hot Stone Therapy is a style of massage where heated stones are placed and moved over specific sites on your body to deepen relaxation and promote circulation in your muscles. Muscles that are heated with these stones release tension and stress much more deeply and quickly than with a traditional massage. The overall experience is extremely relaxing, nurturing, and rejuvenating. Book A Hot Stone Massage Session Online Now at Our Online Appointment Book

Lomi Lomi

$125 per 90 minutes

Lomi Lomi is the Hawaiian word for "massage", and it is part of a larger native Hawaiian tradition of healing and natural body care. According to Hawaiian tradition, all living beings are seeking a state of balance and love in the world. During a Lomi Lomi session, therefore, your therapist will focus on not only relaxing your body through gentle touch, but also reviving your spirit and filling your body with the energy of love. Available with Alix Mclaughlin LMP Saturday - Wednesday by appointment. Book Online Now! Online Appointment Book


$40 per 30 minutes

Reflexology is a type of bodywork that focuses on applying pressure to the specific nerve zones in your feet. Unlike other foot massages that intend to mostly relieve tension in the feet themselves, reflexology is a far more in-depth science that aims to harmonize your entire body. According to reflexology, every part of the human body is mapped into your feet. Reflexology treatments have been found to be highly effective for conditions such as allergies, headaches, and depression. And it still feels like a amazing session for your feet! Book Online now Online Appointment Book.

Chair Massage

$25 per 15 minutes

Chair massage is a popular way of relieving stress and releasing tension. You receive your massage in a specialized ergonomic chair at our "rejuvenation station". In addition to the usual health benefits of massage, another benefit of chair massage is that it is done over the clothing. With seated massage, you can avoid the discomfort and awkwardness that you may feel in disrobing for a traditional massage. Also, chair massage sessions are usually shorter than traditional massage, making it convenient enough to fit into your busy schedule. Book Online with our Online Appointment Book.

CranioSacral (SM)

$85 per hour

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle yet powerful technique that is effective in releasing neck pain, back pain, and mental stress (among other things). It does this by optimizing the movement of cerebrospinal fluid through the spine and around the skull. Developed by physician William Sutherland, this therapy provides a very soothing and relaxing healing experience. Can be done with clothes on. Book Online Now! Online Appointment Book.

Swedish - The Classic Chill

$75 per Hour

Swedish Massage is a very relaxing and therapeutic style of bodywork. At Chill Massage Therapy in West Seattle we apply oil or lotion, and combine an array of strokes such as, smooth nerve strokes, rolling, kneading, and percussion to help the body relax and improve its circulation. The benefits of this type of bodywork are wide-ranging and include relief from aches and pains, decreased stress levels in the body, which may lead to better sleep and fewer illnesses, enhanced mental clarity, improved appearance, and greater flexibility. Book Online Now! Online Appointment Book.